How Innovation Works

The company’s engineer visits, with the average term of two days, to do the mapping of the plant. A camera captures the images on the safety helmet of the White Martins professional. From the download of these files, an HTML5 portal is prepared that allows navigability through the plant environment. “We organize maps with all the infrastructure of the unit: vaporizers, gas pipelines, compressors, pumps, refrigeration items and electric room,” comments the engineer Reginaldo Junior, one of the creators of the project at White Martins.

After this stage, with maps already organized by company experts, teams of engineers use virtual reality glasses for remote assessments together. “We implemented this project only five months ago, and its results can already be verified on a global scale. On our intranet, we provide the mapping details for other operations of our Praxair parent company worldwide. For example, the geometry of the support structure of the vaporizers of the Ouro Branco unit is already being implemented in Canada because of this sharing of expertise, “says Reginaldo.

Before the application of this technology, it was necessary to move a team of engineers (electrical, civil, pipe, industrial layout, and instrumentation and process specialists) across the country at least three times throughout each project to conduct inspections and analyze items such as safety, electromechanical assembly, and work acceptance. “This took a lot of time from our team and generated expenses with flights throughout the national territory,” says Marcela.